Tag : learning

Training Musicians Like Dogs

How is learning an instrument like training a dog to roll over on command? Both involve a complex set of movements that must be done in sequence to achieve a

The Journey: Discovery

It’s not the destination that’s important. We are travelers on a long journey of discovery. I am constantly reminded of how much I don’t know. Because music is a process

Singing In Tune: Intonation Ideas for the Choir voice tuner

Singing In Tune: Intonation Ideas for the Choir Vocalists often struggle with singing in tune. How do we know if we are singing the right pitch? Training the ear is

Healthy Brains Need Stimulation and Variety

Healthy Brains Need Stimulation and Variety It seems that the field of neuroscience is exploding with research about how we learn, what our brains need to stay sharp, and how

Grit for Musicians: Practicing and Parenting

Is Grit the Secret to Success In Music? I first heard about Angela Duckworth and her research on “grit” on a Freakonomics podcast. Duckworth talks about how persistence, not talent,

Embouchure Variations

Embouchure Variations What does the “perfect embouchure” look like? I’ve been asked many times what a “proper” or “perfect” embouchure should look like. The answer is simple: There is no

How We Learn – applications for musicians

I just finished reading How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens by Benedict Carey, 2014. From a musician’s perspective, it has obvious applications for practice.

The first post

A blog about practice, for musicians and the people who love them. The first post. A couple of days ago a Facebook friend posted an article titled “Why Students Really Quit