Tag : students

Practice Session, part 2: Scales & Technique

Scales and Technique The second of the six parts of a practice session. In the first blog post of this seven part series, I gave a general overview the elements of typical

Practice Session, Part 1: Warm Up

Warm Up This blog post is the second in a seven part series about the structure of a typical practice session. In the blog post “Overview,” I outlined the six

Practice Session: Overview

Practice Session Structure Overview In this seven part series, I will discuss how to structure a typical practice session. This will offer a solid guideline for what things should be

How We Learn – applications for musicians

I just finished reading How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens by Benedict Carey, 2014. From a musician’s perspective, it has obvious applications for practice.

Mental Practice

Mental practice can be as effective as physical practice in music. That sounds crazy, right?! You wouldn’t train for a marathon by sitting on your couch and thinking about running 26.2 miles.

Temptation Bundling in the Practice Room

What is “temptation bundling” and how can we use it in the practice room? Temptation bundling is when we take something that we’re not excited about doing and pair it

Music is the Key To Success

Music is the Key To Success, at least according to Joanne Lipman, reporter for the New York Times. She makes an interesting connection between some of the most successful people and

Practicing Upside Down upside down music

Our brains crave novelty. Literally turning things upside down can give us the new perspective we need. Feel stuck in your practice? Are your kids complaining the music is “too